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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chinese SenSei Method

[xiang: 2y5m]

Xiang has this cough & phlegm problem ever since 6 months old. He is diagnosis as having minor asthma problem and whenever he is coughing furiously with phlegm, he needs to be on his inhalers again. There were 4 times where he had to put on nebulisers at the pediatrician place. After he entered into the kindergarten, his condition is getting worse. His cough-free days will only last for 2 to 3 weeks and I always wonder whether his little body could take so much medicine.

Asthma is actually a condition whereby the airways (of lungs) become irritated and inflamed. As a result, they became narrower and produce extra mucus. This makes it more difficult for air to flow into and out of the lungs and causes the symptoms of asthma. I’ve also heard from others that taking medicine for a prolonged period of time will make the situation worse as the medicine will not be able to provide relief during an attack after passage of time.

Thus, we have decided to treat him using the Chinese SenSei Method instead. Last Sunday is the second time we paid a visit to the SenSei, waited for more than 2 hours!

The cough syrup has a very strong Chinese herbs taste plus some mint flavor (we tried it ourselves and YUCKKKK!!!). Xiang immediately turned away from the medicine when first time trying it, with his face crooked up and even crying little bit. We use raisins or Ribena pastilles and he managed to swallow the 2 table spoon of Chinese herbs. Xiang is naughty is many ways but he is really superb when came to taking medicine. Even my hubby (who had cough problem and was given the similar taste cough syrup) felt like vomiting after taking his medicine.

After the 2 bottle of cough syrup, we need to prepare a herb-drink 七辛茶 for him. Then, we will take him to the SenSei again for next round of checking up. I hope that this time it will work for him. I can say that it is working well until now since his cough is under control after 3 days of medicine. Usually, he needs at least 3 visits to the pediatrician before he could fully recover.

Here’s a photo of his medicine

And some photos of him taking it.

Other than this, we are also trying to keep our house dust free. Floor is swept & moped daily, furniture is wiped daily, bed-sheets are changed once per week, curtains are washed once per month, and recently, we have installed an air-purifier in our bedroom.


cre8tone said...

Hope he'll fully recover after the chinese medicine...

Jess said...

七辛茶, I heard before. My brother's dotter drink a lot last time. It work to cure her cough too!

Hope your kid get well soon!