Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reno: Sofa Hunt 1

I'd like to blog down my renovation details, for my future reference.

I've hunt for sofa for quite some time now. Last weekend, we have almost booked a set of sofa from Lorenzo.

Almost ..... because the sales person calculated wrong price, and the actual price was way too expensive for me.

Anyway, until now, brands to my liking are Lorenzo & Gucca. During the Homedeco fair, there's a Future & Hermann booth promoting leather sofa, so another brand added to my list.

I've just came back from Rozel Jalan Ampang. All the sofa sets there are so expensive. The salesman is very helpful though. There's 2 sets much to my liking, the seats & back supports are quite firm & hard, suitable to us who constantly has backache problem.

This is the cheapest set of leather sofa there, I think. 2+3: RM6,290

This is the one I like, very modern looking. 2+3: RM7,290!

Close up on 2 seater:

Well, after posting it here, I'm satisfied. I guess these are for my EYES only, not for my fat bottom to sit on. So my sofa hunting continues this weekend, planning to go Mid-Valley Lorenzo as well as the expo there.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

[Qi 2y5m]: 40.1 DegC

22 July 2010

Yeah, my most hateful virus, is attacking Qi again. She has been feverish since 2 days ago. This morning 4.30am her hands & legs were so cold, I could not do anything but put on blanket for her. 1 hour later, her temperature shoot up to 40.1 DegC, gosh!!! She hates us putting wet hanky on her body, rejected putting cool-fever on her forehead and of course hates medicine inserted at her bottom.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

X-box or Wii?

Our PS1 is half-way stepping into grave. However, my kids always having a good time with those car-racing, street-fighting and shooting games. That's why we are thinking of getting a new game device for our kids.

At first, I was thinking of buying PS3. The device itself is around RM1200 - that's ok. The game DVD is around RM200 - that's really NOT ok.

Then the sales persons intoduce us X-box, saying the picture quality is almost the same PS3 if we connected using HDMI cable.

Last week, we asked again at another shop, and we found out that X-box has little game titles for kids. Wii on the other hand has a wider titles. Each DVD only cost RM8. The only difficulty will be the controllers, as some games need to have 1 controller in each hand to play.

I'm wondering anyone own X-box or Wii here? Can you please give me your opinion on these 2? Which one is easier for the kids to play?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

House Reno Progress

14 July 2010

My house finally going into renovation stage. I'm glad that I joined the community website, so much that I've learnt from there about the DOs & DONTs of renovations.

Current progress, hacking out the walls and this week start piling. Piling is extremely important and so far, my husband is happy with our contractor's job. As learnt from the community website, there's lots of contractors using short cut method, which means after they put the side beam / colums, they will brick up the walls and only build the top / horizontal beams. The accurate method is to construct the whole frame first which means side beam then top beam then only stick up the brick walls. I noticed most of the houses around my current area are using short-cut method too.

There's so many things that yet to buy, the important one are sinks and lightings because the contractor needs their size to do the table top and plaster ceiling holes. Oh not forgetting the air-cond and auto-gate. The less urgent one are bathroom accessories, sofa, dining table and mattress. Every weekend were occupied to survey the prices of such items. I'm looking forward to next week Malaysia Furniture & Finishing Fair. Hope that I could get a good bargain there.

House Reno Progress

14 July 2010

My house finally going into renovation stage. I'm glad that I joined the community website, so much that I've learnt from there about the DOs & DONTs of renovations.

Current progress, hacking out the walls and this week start piling. Piling is extremely important and so far, my husband is happy with our contractor's job. As learnt from the community website, there's lots of contractors using short cut method, which means after they put the side beam / colums, they will brick up the walls and only build the top / horizontal beams. The accurate method is to construct the whole frame first which means side beam then top beam then only stick up the brick walls. I noticed most of the houses around my current area are using short-cut method too.

There's so many things that yet to buy, the important one are sinks and lightings because the contractor needs their size to do the table top and plaster ceiling holes. Oh not forgetting the air-cond and auto-gate. The less urgent one are bathroom accessories, sofa, dining table and mattress. Every weekend were occupied to survey the prices of such items. I'm looking forward to next week Malaysia Furniture & Finishing Fair. Hope that I could get a good bargain there.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[xiang 3y6m] 2nd Parents Teacher Meeting

13 July - 2nd Parents-Teacher Meeting

It's the same comments as per the first one:
1. Xiang is very very good in school. He's never a trouble-maker and always paying attention to teachers.
*wow, terbalik at home, always fighting with Qi. When I called him, usually after n-times and raising my voice only he will respond.*

2. His main problem will be reluctant to drink water.
*same old problem*

3. He's very very quiet when facing teacher. The teacher told me that she saw him talking to friends, but when the teacher ask him anything, he will give short & simple answer.
*I discussed this with the teacher, Xiang is scared to her. The teacher told me that one of the students, Noel's mom purposely authorised the teacher to spank Noel because he's out of control. Xiang saw the spanking and that's why Xiang is afraid of her.*

4. As for testing results, he scored 100% on all (Numbers, Chinese & English) while writing scored B.
*I think he just guess correctly in English, cause the vowel sounds is a bit confusing to him. Numbers & Chinese he's able to do. Anyway, not to be proud, because the teacher told me most of the students who paid attention in class scored 100% anyway.*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My curry chicken

Pai seh to say, I've never cooked curry chicken before. I saw my parents cooked it, I always felt it's so hard and tedious. I felt I'm not "qualified" for cooking that dish.

We went shopping over the weekend. The girl introduce me this:

Just need to fried the chicken & potatoes, then add in 1 pack of this and little bit water. Let it boil and all done. I did my first curry chicken yesterday. I think it tasted just ok, but it's not as fragent as my mom's.

[Qi 2y4m]: Milk time posture

Qi has a very particular habit, when she wanted to drink milk.

She will put 2 little bolster one on each of her side. She called the tiger print on her little bolster "cat-cat", and she will place the bolster so that the tiger is looking up at her. Then she will put her "duck-duck" long bolster beneth her legs. Finally her little pillow under her head, with the tiger print on top and the pillow case opening on her left hand side. So that she can put her fingers through the pillow case opening and twist it.

pillow & bolsters positioned like this

She won't take the milk bottle until every single on is in position. That's why when she starting to arrange her pillow and bolsters, we knew she's going to ask for milk.

Luckily she didn't insist this when she's away from home.