Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

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Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Poor little bird

I was watering plants in the garden. Heard wings flattering and suddenly a tiny bird dropped on floor in front of me! 3 crows who were chasing after it eyeing nearby, waiting for their chances. Poor tiny bird couldn't fly.

I put it in a bucket and went out to fetch the kids. Both girls were so excited!

Hopefully it will recover soon.

[Xiang,12y] 5 July 2018 国语笔试比赛


儿子很荣幸的被选中代表学校参加国语笔试比赛。今天随老师去 Pulau Ketam, 一团6人,2位演讲4位笔试。原本老师想带女儿去观摩,但路途遥远唯有放弃。(4年纪女儿也很荣幸的被选为下一届演讲比赛栽培对象。)
