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Monday, April 27, 2009

(Xiang 2y4m): April Progress Report

27 April 2009 (Xiang 2y4m)

Finally, the day has came for Xiang's Nursery 1st Progress Report. There will be total of 3 times in this year. I was looking forward to this "big day" very much and wanted to know how Xiang did in the nursery.

This is a very lengthy report, but I wanted to write this for my record. No patience? Just see the last paragraph for my summary!

The evaluation key is of 3 grades:

E= Excellent; G = Good Progress; W=Working on Skill (in other words, not good ^_^"")

As I have expected, Xiang didn't get any E at all. Actually, mostly are grade W

There are few skills which the teacher categorized:

1. Social & emotional skills: Xiang is doing good in responding to teachers, independent, happy & cheerful at school. What most surprise me is he got a G in playing & sharing with other children! His class teacher told me that he learnt this recently and I'm so happy with this.

2. Listening Skills: Xiang is doing good in when listening to stories and paying attention.

3. Fine Motor Skills: Using crayons, painting, pasting, puzzles, scribble, draw a line & circle are all grade W. The teacher told me that he's lazy on coloring whereby he'll just color a bit and don't want to continue. When asked him to do the puzzles, he will take his good time to slowly take and put together the puzzles, as if scared of breaking them (why I wonder, was the teacher too strict?).

4. Gross Motor Skills: walk, jump, balance, hop, throw & kick ball are again all grade W but as what i expected.

5. Learning Skills: Colors & body parts grade W. I knew he still sometimes mix up the colors but I have thought that he knew all his body parts. Strange ~~~ Though not in the evaluation, but the teachers commented that he's good in numbers, letters & phonics.

6. Work habits: Good in caring for toys & school material.

7. Speaking skills: Teachers commented that he still couldn't speak clearly in English, but he could understand them and answer some questions. We spoke Mandarin at home and that's why.

8. Self-reliance: Going to toilet and getting dress on own - W again. We told the teacher that Xiang is no more wearing diaper during day time and from tomorrow onwards, he'll be diaper-free to school also. The teachers will keep an eye on him in this.

9. Music skills & Art skills: W again.

My main purpose of letting him entering into this school is for him to have fun and mix around with friends. I'm really glad that he is. My most concern is not his academic achievements but his attitude, and I'm glad that he started to share with his classmates. Other areas, all doing poorly especially fine motor skills, arts and music.

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