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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sibling's love

16 April 2009 [xiang 2y4m; qi 1y2m]

My husband was running late yesterday and so I went to fetch both my kids alone. Qi's nanny told me that Qi is having fever in the evening. I felt her forehead and body, she's hot.
While driving, Xiang was being naughty as usual and struggled to front seat, Qi sitting and him standing. I reminded him not to sit on meimei. Xiang has a habit of repeating what we told him, sometimes days or week after we told him. When we reached home, he turned and told me "不要坐住压到妹妹" (Don't sit on meimei).

Once reached home, I told korkor to look after meimei. I took the ear thermometer from bedroom. Hmmm ... 38.3 degC, indeed having a fever. When I was searching my fridge for the fever medicine, meimei crawled to her potty, playing with it. Before I said the word "no, dirty", korkor came to my rescue. He immediately took away the potty, put inside the toilet, closed the door and stood in front of the door with arms on hips. He looked like bank security guard guarding billions of cash. Meimei crawled to the toilet front but no way she could get pass korkor. I would have laughed out loud if I wasn't in a busy & kan-cheong mood preparing meimei medicine.

I picked up meimei to give her the medicine. In my corner of my eyes, I saw korkor re-positioned the potty, this time daddy's study room (or I should say working room), and closed the door tight. When I was about to spoon feed meimei some water, she "chum cha" on me! Oh, that's why meimei is trying to get the potty!!! How ignorance I was!
Again, while I was busy changing meimei pants, wiping the floor clean, I saw korkor took out the potty again from the room. He sat on the potty and demonstrated to meimei, saying: "淇淇小便这边, ngmmm ngmmm...." (qi pee here). He then placed the potty in the centre of our living room ^_^""

When I was young, I too often quarrel with my sisters. Funny thing is we became closer when our distance became wider after we went on our own way. It's really hard for me to teach them about sibling's love and this is the few moments where Xiang playing a good big brother role.

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