Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

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Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

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Friday, July 3, 2009

[Xiang 2y6m] Xiang's Progress at 2 years 6 months

I just would like to jot down how do my kids look like when they are young. I hope that I could do this more frequently (lazy mom). I did scribble down something 3 months ago. Looking back, it amazed me how fast they have changed and so much they have achieved. I worried that I might forgot one day how they looked like, how they laughed with the most innocent voice, how they cried just the moment I said no, how they munched their food happily (and messing all the floor under), how they cuddled quietly in my arms while watching video and most of all and the sweet scent of their baby smell.

My son Wei Xiang is now 2 years 6 months, height 95cm (85%) and weight 12.5kg (31%).

1. Speak to us in Mandarin but recently, he’ll say “I want ….” Instead of “我要.…”. His speech is getting better than before, able to say a complete sentence more than 5 words. He’s able to communicate well with us, able to say something with logic thinking.
2. Sometimes still stutters when starting a sentence, but it has improved.
3. Saliva drooling, sigh … still there.
4. “Oh-oh Ki-ta-yo”(when something goes wrong), “翔自己…” “我拿!!!”(he wants to do EVERYTHING on his own) are his favorite saying.
5. He can read ABC, 1~10; knows how to count from 1~30 (when taking inhaler, he always counts with us); phonic sounds from A~K.

It’s difficult to prepare meals for him. He loves fish porridge at one day and the next time I cooked him the same dish, he rejected it totally. His favorite is white bread, spread with butter and sugar, and could finished 3 pieces at one time. Loves Yee Hup round biscuits, yogurt, Ribena pastilles. Drinks lots of plain water and loves carrot juice (rejected every other drink eg Ribena, Chinese leong sui, barley drink etc…). Loves Chinese medicine especially Hou Zhou San. Loves fishballs. Loves French fries with tomato ketchup.

1. Doing puzzle is his favorite. When he was a baby time, nothing could keep him sit still until we discovered puzzle. Currently, he is able to do a 25 pieces puzzles.
2. Reading bed time story, current very engrossed in the “Goodnight My Duckling” book and requested me to read it to him every night. He loves to look for the turtle, the evening sun and the raising moon.
3. Water play, well all kids love this! He loves his bath-time, as he gets to bath the ducks, transferring water from one bucket to another or to the pail.
4. Loves all kind of kiddy rides, with condition that the ride has a wheel.
5. Loves to go to the park to feed the fish & tortoise and of course, loves the playground. He called the playground as “wo-wo-wo” (dun ask me why) even though he knew the actual name is playground.

1. He loves cars. Heavy vehicle such as digger, fire engine, dump truck and vehicle with sound such as police car, ambulance are his favorite. Loves to place the matching cars on top of his vehicle book.
2. Loves to watched Video – Brainy baby ABC series, Barney and children songs

Motor skill:
1. Not able to use a scissor yet. Pasting skill is good, able to paste stickers within given areas.
2. He still paddle his tricycle with 1 foot. *not tired meh???*
3. He is not the type of physically strong boy. He can run, jump, kick, throw, catch, but can’t do with excellent.

Day time toilet trained now, able to go to toilet to pee in the bowl, and flushed the water by his own. But he likes to hold until his tank is full, then with one hand holding his pen*s, another hand trying hard to pull down his pants and then RUN to the toilet. [Now both he and I are working on night time, 2 days night diaper free as of 3rd July ^_^]

1. He is stubborn! Everyone would say so including his teachers & nanny. When he’s determined to do one thing, no matter how you persuade him, he wanted to give it a try first.
2. He likes to do things on his own, open the auto-gate, the door, take toys, take plates, washing hands, brushing teeth, and even put milk powder and shake his milk.
3. He is particular. For example, he’ll take his small kiddy bowl (not his sister) on his own when we gave him biscuits or snacks. If we wrong take the big kiddy bowl, he’ll reject it and declared the big one is used only when mummy / daddy fed him. He wants his slipper to put nicely on the floor with heels facing outside.
4. He likes to keep himself clean. He’s very scared of being dirty. He dislike sand-play and kept his arms on his back with his fingers crossed. His limit is just to touch the sand with the tip of his fingers.
When he’s eating something messy, he’ll requested for bib to put on.
Before & after he ate something, he’ll go to wash his hands on his own and wipe clean with towel. Sometimes, he’ll be naughty, turned on the pipe to the maximum and splash water on me!
5. He understands when we scolded him, and he reckons his mistakes now. When one scolded him, he’ll stay stone-like-unmoving posture. If any other person asked him to come over (to sayang him), he’ll shake his head and say:”Daddy/Mummy 骂” (Daddy/Mummy scold). Only the person who scolded him can make him move again.
6. He’s scared of hair-cut. All the fallen hair makes him felt so dirty!
7. He can’t sleep without his favorite pillow which he does not allow us to put on the pillowcase and his pacifier.
8. It is easy to fed him medicine, all swallow with no fuss.

Health status:
He has minor asthma (pity boy, he does not know how an ice-cream or a cold drink taste like). His skin is allergic type, and he tends to scratch until bleed. Otherwise, it is OK. Had his chicken pox recently. Missles – not yet!

Kiddy Acts:
1. He loves birthday. Loves to sing birthday songs, loves to blow out the candles, loves to cut the cake but eating is just so-so.
2. He loves to use his legs to pushed little tricycle (the type without paddles) and could go swarming around the house, but able to avoid obstacles including his little sister.
3. He likes to shout “1, 2, 3!!!!!” when the car went through a bump, and will make a sad look or even cried if he miss to shout a bump.
4. Sometimes, he'll still cry going to kindergarten, especially after long holiday.

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