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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

X-box or Wii?

Our PS1 is half-way stepping into grave. However, my kids always having a good time with those car-racing, street-fighting and shooting games. That's why we are thinking of getting a new game device for our kids.

At first, I was thinking of buying PS3. The device itself is around RM1200 - that's ok. The game DVD is around RM200 - that's really NOT ok.

Then the sales persons intoduce us X-box, saying the picture quality is almost the same PS3 if we connected using HDMI cable.

Last week, we asked again at another shop, and we found out that X-box has little game titles for kids. Wii on the other hand has a wider titles. Each DVD only cost RM8. The only difficulty will be the controllers, as some games need to have 1 controller in each hand to play.

I'm wondering anyone own X-box or Wii here? Can you please give me your opinion on these 2? Which one is easier for the kids to play?

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