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Thursday, March 4, 2010

[Xiang 3y2m] Sharing - how to motivate your kids to do homework

I have been browsing internet, searching on tips to get Xiang's homeworks done. The power of internet, and I got some useful tips to make me re-think over my strategy.

Just let me share some with you if you are interested to know. Black texts are my thoughts and red text are I copied from How to Motivate Your Kids to Do Homework
(without having a nervous breakdown yourself)
*that describe me!!!!*

By Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller

3 Law of Homeworks:

1. Most children do not like to do homework.

*I love the following statement!* "Give up your desire to have them like it. Focus on getting them to do it."

2. You cannot make anyone do it.

You can not make your child learn. You cannot make him hold a certain attitude. You cannot make him move his pencil.

*Very true!!!!*

3. It's their Problem.

Their pencils have to move. Their brains need to engage. Their bottoms need to be in the chair. Too many parents see homework as the parent's problem. So they create ultimatums, scream and shout, threaten, bribe, scold, and withhold privileges. Have you noticed that most of these tactics do not work? *yup, not only not working, I'm tired out as well!*

Our responsibility as parents is to provide our children with an opportunity to do homework. Our job is to provide structure, to create the system. The child's job is to use the system.

It hits me like a 'boooom!!!!' Right, my responsibility is to create a studying system for Xiang!!!! This article really motivates and inspired me.

There's 8 tips, but it wil be lengthy if I post it all up, just hop over if you wanted to read it. I myself find it useful and easy to follow of all the others resources.

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