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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My 1st delivery experience

It was on 2006 December 19, Ipoh. When I woke up, I felt a gush of water discharged. It was pure and without any stain of blood. I got scared anyway since I was already 39 weeks pregnant. I went to hospital and was advised to be admitted. But no sign of delivery on the end of the day and decided to induced the next day.

2006 December 20. I remember I was very excited, getting up real early around 4.30am in the morning. They started to drips me at around 6am. It was nothing at first, but the pain came at around 8am.

My sister called me at 9am and I could barely talked over the phone. However, I manage to control myself and practising my breathing as the nurses told me to.
It became unbearable at around noon time. The nurse give me injection & oxygen gas, but I was shouting & screaming. I was asked to hang on since the opening was already 5 cm at around 2pm.
Guess luck was not on my side, even at opening 8cm, my baby's head couldn't be felt and had decided for operation. I do not know how I endure how the long hours of pain but I was instantly relief was pushed to operation room.
At 5.30pm, I'm blessed with a handsome son - Xiang

I'm actually nervous hugging him for the first time, so small and fragile. I guess that we'll try our best to be a good parents to this small little boy.

Xiang in my arms:

Daddy & yawning Xiang

Xiang at home! Sleeping soundly. Fair, isn't he?

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