Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

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Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Supplements - more is better?

Since the recent Xiang's constipation problems and also his never-ended coughing problems, I was giving more and more supplements each day. I do give it a second thought as my dining table started to overflow with various vitamines bottles.

I'm currently giving my kids (Xiang 2y6m & Qi 1y4m) the following:

1. Seven seas cod liver oil

2. Manuka Honey (from Yu Yan Seng)

3. Multivitamine Usanimals

Do you think it is a lot or too little? I was wondering what type of supplements the other moms out here are giving to your kids? Is it the more the better? What is consider as "enough"?


cre8tone said...

Wah.. so many a?

MeRy said...

I started giving my boy Scott's Emulsion when he reach 1 yr old,as for Gripe water, I also still continue give it to him.