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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[xiang 3y6m] 2nd Parents Teacher Meeting

13 July - 2nd Parents-Teacher Meeting

It's the same comments as per the first one:
1. Xiang is very very good in school. He's never a trouble-maker and always paying attention to teachers.
*wow, terbalik at home, always fighting with Qi. When I called him, usually after n-times and raising my voice only he will respond.*

2. His main problem will be reluctant to drink water.
*same old problem*

3. He's very very quiet when facing teacher. The teacher told me that she saw him talking to friends, but when the teacher ask him anything, he will give short & simple answer.
*I discussed this with the teacher, Xiang is scared to her. The teacher told me that one of the students, Noel's mom purposely authorised the teacher to spank Noel because he's out of control. Xiang saw the spanking and that's why Xiang is afraid of her.*

4. As for testing results, he scored 100% on all (Numbers, Chinese & English) while writing scored B.
*I think he just guess correctly in English, cause the vowel sounds is a bit confusing to him. Numbers & Chinese he's able to do. Anyway, not to be proud, because the teacher told me most of the students who paid attention in class scored 100% anyway.*

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