Thursday, November 19, 2009
[Xiang: 2y11m] Completion of 3 year old class . Holiday Program
Tomorrow, Xiang will complete his 3 year old class. I have no regrets of enrolling him so early, although he is a year end baby.
It seems like yesterday, when we took him for his 1st day class. Then he continueously crying for months! He was such a baby (and he still is, as compared to his classmates told by his teacher).
So after a year completed, what does he gain?
1. Friends - towards the end of school semester, teacher commented that he started to chat with friends in class. (haha, teachers don't like this!)
2. Confidence - not a great degree, but he dares to talk with teachers now.
3. Motor skills - hmm, he's still weak in this.
4. Learning - He's good in this, he knows well his phonics and the items which teachers taught.
5. Prizes or Awards - haha, none for my little boy. He is those so-so grade, not too good and not too bad either.
I have been visiting various schools and centres for holiday classes. I have actually quite keen to enrol him into Bao Bei Chinese Learning.
Wei Xiang doesn't want it. All he wants during the holiday is stay at home and stay with me. When I mentioned about the word "Bao Bei", he will cry immediately. Not those screaming-yelling-cry, but really sad soft sobbing while muttering "我不要去宝贝。。。。我要在家和妈咪一起。。。"
I give up and so, for the coming holiday, I will work out a holiday "program" for him. Well, not those forceful daily schedules. Only one objective in my mind ---> improve his gross & fine motor skills!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chap Tou!
Hahahahahahaha! Me & my eldest sister can't help keep on laughing. It feels so great!!!!!! We will sure always go back to Tesco Setia Alam for our shopping!
The trick???
We found this on the rack with impossible low price tag. We took 2 pieces, paid at the cashier and told the cashier that it is RM32.90
Tesco Management really deserves the credit, they checked and told us they did put a wrong price tag. But, they will honour the price which ever is lower!!! My salute to them!!!!!
P/S: Yes, we knew it's wrongly tag before heading to the cashier. We were trying out luck and really chap tou!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday Morning
The two kiddo were running around, playing hide and seek, admiring the miniature "car" in the display shelves.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Inspection of our new home
Finally it is November 2009. Our new house in Kemuning Utama will be ready in this month.
However, as I bought it from subsales, my wait will be longer.
I've joined the housing area community forum and came to know that the developer has decided to divide into 3 months in handing over the keys. I was so worried that the seller is not in the 1st batch.
This afternoon an unexpected phone call came. The owner was so nice to invite us along on Monday afternoon for the inspection of the house! I really didn't expected it, since all the bank & lawyer transactions were not completed yet.
Looking forward to next Monday and will sure snap lots of photos then!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
[Xiang 2y11m; Qi 1y8m] Year End Concert; Tantrum before sleep
We had a good laugh at him when saw him being make-up ... like a girl!
I'm having difficulty with Qi night time. She was so noisy now. Before this, we just put her to her cot, and she'll fall asleep after awhile. For the past few days, she was shouting VERY LOUDLY and I think she did it deliberately. Then she kept on asking for "shh shh" in potty even though we put diaper on her. When we put her on potty, she sat for awhile, then quickly stood up without pee-ing and SMILED at us. This is very annoying especially after N times and already closed to mid-night. Or she'll asked for toys to play but we can see that she's already so sleepy. She just wanted to continue playing. So for these few nights, she was scolded either by me or her daddy, and cried herself to sleep.
Qi cried and screamed just like being forced to take medicine
I received the same complaint from her nanny, that she likes to SHOUT and getting nottier. I knew that she's not those graceful type of girl but all those screaming and shouting really give me headache and ear-pain.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dermatoglyphics Code Test / 皮纹密码测验
This is a test for kids, base on 10 fingers' prints. It is said the test will find out children talents & potentials, strengths & weaknesses. This will aid in adopting appropriate teaching method and not wasting time pushing the kids to learn something they are totally not fond of.
Any mummies have any opinion about this test?
website for reference: