Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 29, 2009

Melaka here I come (4th~5th July 2009)

[Posted by Ai Peng]

I'll be going to Melaka on this coming weekend. Actually my husband wants to send my mother-in-law back home.

Hui Chen, are you free for a drink or a satay celup session?

It is OK if you are not available, no stress punya, ok?

Anyone interested also?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

[Xiang 2y6m] Improvement in speech

Xiang has reached 2 years 6 month recently. We have noticed that there’s improvement in his speech. He knew sometimes to put his words nicely so that we could not reject his request. His pronunciations are still bad though


It was getting late at night …
Xiang notice that daddy is getting ready for bed and he quickly got up from his lying position
Xiang: 要坐着看(电视),不要躺着看…. 眼睛会坏. (sit up to watch TV and not lying down. If not, eyes will be “spoilt”)
He said this so that his daddy could not ask him to lay down to sleep.


Both Xiang and Qi are playing with some magnetic alphabet shapes. Xiang suddenly took away all the shapes and leaving Qi screaming in protest.
Daddy: 翔, 要share share 玩 (Xiang, share the toys for playing)
Xiang: 不要给妹妹…… 等下妹妹放嘴巴. (Don’t give meimei … she’ll put them in her mouth)
Daddy: .....
Well, that’s the truth. We still gotta watch Qi closely as she sometimes will still test the toys with her mouth.


Xiang woke up early this morning, at 6.30am. Looking at his father, who already woke up but still extremely sleepy and lying on bed
Xiang: 爸爸….. 要下去…. (Papa … want to go downstairs …)
Daddy: …….. [use the pillow to cover his eyes]
Xiang: 爸爸 … (指着床) 有蚂蚁, 有虫虫 …. 要下去….. (papa … got ants and worms on bed …. Want to go down)
Sometimes at night, Xiang requested to sleep at living room. We told him he can’t sleep there because there’s ants and flying insects. Now he uses the same reason so that he could get out from bed. Kids really absorb everything we said!


There’s also some words which he said that we could not understand. Those words of no meaning, something like what we used to say “wa-lao-eh” … I think …

While running to safety after putting some mischevious act or saw ugly insect, Xiang will say: “oh-sei ~~~~”

When something went wrong, Xiang will say: “oh-oh ki-ta-yu ~~~”

When we asked him, he said korkor taught him. We are not sure whether it’s nanny’s son or his friends from kindy (he called them korkor). Until now, I don’t know what’s the meaning of “oh-sei or ki-ta-yu”???

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A simple father's day celebration

Just a simple one, since all of us are in "pantang" now. Xiang is having chicken pox and definitely we could not go out in restaurant.

I did not cook anything fancy also, since so many food we can't have. We did not even have a cake because of the egg content.

So this is what Xiang brought back from kindy on last Friday. A small paper briefcase with a heart shape with Happy Father's Day & I Love You written on each side.

And this is what Xiang, Qi and I made.

I spell out the word and Xiang looked for the alphabet in old magazine. Both of them then put star stickers on their own. On the back of the page, Xiang and Qi made some thumb prints. Daddy asked Xiang to draw a face. He did it after I requested him repeatedly and he drew a simple face with a sad mouth! Aisey, he didn't have the mood for drawing. Then he insisted for a hand print on the card. Afterwards he got tired and declared that is enough. It's not an impressive card but it's the first card we made together.

But he's good in helping to clean up and washed the water coloring utensils (he likes to play water actually).

When I asked Xiang what is the face expression, he knew it represents sad face and pretend crying

So, while we are doing this, what daddy is doing? Cooking for Xiang & Qi "Mi Sua" soup! Sweet dad ....

Finally Xiang gave the card to his beloved daddy while saying "Happy bater Day"! Haha, He still couldn't pronounce clearly. Simple? I'm not very innovating in planning things I guess

Saturday, June 20, 2009

[Xiang 2y6m] It's his turn!

Haha, my "wish" has came true! *sounds like a bad mom, right?* But I've been through it and I knew that the younger we had it, the easier for recovery. Some more, we can have the same controlled meal - no beans, no seafood or *poison* stuff, no egg, no soya source.

Know what I'm talking about? Here's Xiang photos:

We saw 2 tiny red spots yesterday night, thought maybe it's mosqi bites. I hope he did not spread the virus around in the musikgarten class yesterday! This morning after woke up, there's more spots and a few with water bubble. The paed said he should have less chicken pox since he had the jab already.

[Qi 1y3m; Xiang 2y5m] Trial Class at Musikgarten

We went for the trial class on yesterday, 7.30pm. It was a bit rushed for all of us, rushed back home, bath, took dinner, picked the kids from nanny's house and off we went to the class.

The centre is located on top of the shop lot, security system is very well. We had to ring the bell and they have a camera looking on the visitors before opening the gate for us to go upstairs.

I'm a bit taken aback by the size of the room, I think it's a bit small. But Friday night is a small class, and so it's OK. There's 8 pair of us (1 parent + 1 child). Maybe it's our first time, I too felt could not catch up with the class as they have a lot of short sessions.

Singing songs while waving hello (beginning of the class) and goodbye (end of the class), Clapping hands, stomping feet, playing a simple instrument (sorry for my poor knowledge, I don't know what's that called, something like hitting on 2 bars of steel), sliding a frog and making it jump with hand (that is fun for my kids), shaking 2 oval shakers, walking & running in circle with a soft hanky, jump in a circle when music stop, hitting 2 wooden rods, rocking on parent's embrace, sitting on parent's lap and bouncing, sang 3 tones following teachers (my kids kept quiet of course), all children holding hands and turn in circle. That's all I can remember so far and I may missed out some. All the sessions I mentioned were held with music, either playing from CD or the teacher sang.

As what I have predicted, Qi enjoyed more than Xiang, rocking, shaking, clapping hands etc.. Of course Xiang could do better in terms of teacher's instruction, but he had a serious look on his face while Qi was laughing more and doing the stuff she knew with enthusiasm. There were only 2 boys in the class, both I think did not really "enjoy" the class. Is it because of the gender factor?

For me, I think the class is ok ... a little below my expectations. Most I don't like is the size of the room, still I think it's a bit small. The teacher is very friendly and reminding us not to force the kids if they were not willing to follow.

Anyway, the fee for one month is RM75, there will be 4 family material packs needed to buy, one pack for 1 semester. Each pack is about ..... aisey, my memory really fading on me, I couldn't remember at all! Most probably I will sign up for both of them, but wouldn't buy the family packs until 2 months later or until I see that they enjoy the class.

Oh, forgot to mention about the art class, it's for kids above 2.5 years old, monthly fee is RM75 for Little Artist. 1 hour per session. Xiang kept on going into the art class and observing the kids doing the painting stuff when I was making enquiry. Maybe he likes art better???

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mind to vote for Qi?

I have totally forgotten about this competition until I saw a mom posting up on this. I've sent in Qi's photo for "Little Model Competition". I think the closing date is on end of this month.

It is based on the number of votes of each photo, and not the total votes for 2 photos. Each girl is eligible for 1 prize only. So do you mind clicking the link below to place vote for her 2 photos?

I like this photo best. A bit "hiao" hoh ...

hahahaha, big hoh ... this mummy actually wants to keep this set for her to wear later. Maybe next CNY, kakakakaka ....

Oh, by the way, thank you so much for those who have voted for Qi!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

[Qi 1y3m; Xiang 2y5m] Musikgarten

I have been long time considering of enrolling my kids in the music courses. I have been to Yamaha School of Music. First, they only accept kids 3.5 years old, my son is too young for it. Then, I am not very fond of the courses they offered and they are using organ as a teaching media (the centre near my house). I'm a much piano person and if my kids to learn up piano in future, they have to start all over again.

Then, I've stumbled across Musikgarten located near my house. They even accepted newborn! Both my girl Qi & son Xiang could be in the same class, under Program Family Music for Toddlers (16 months to 4 years old). This is a class whether toddlers to attend with their parents. The activities will be singing, moving, chanting, dancing, listening and playing simple instruments. The best is upon completion of their courses, the students are able to jump to Grade 2 of piano lessons.

Musikgarten originates from U.S.A. It is a revolutionary early childhood music education company designed to enable teachers to understand how children from birth to age 9 learn music. Musikgarten provides teachers with the tools to help a child grow musically, as well as emotionally, socially and cognitively.

The main problem is both of us (mom & dad) need to attend together with them since there's 2 of them. Each one of us attended to our kids separately. I should be no problem going back on time after work. I have foreseen daddy's busy schedule and I worried that he could not make it in some time. I do not think my kids will like to be with my new maid. Or should I enrol my son first? But I do not dare to left Qi behind with my new maid even for half an hour only.

Anyway, this Friday will be a free-trial class. After this class, I'll see how's their reactions toward it. I hope that it will be a stress-free class, I do not want them to worried about not practicing their lessons since they are just young toddlers. Any mummies have experience of enrolling your young toddlers in such classes before?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Short Blog Break

Taking a short blog break again. Going back hometown. Will be back on Monday!

Three in a family

U know what are these for?

They are for applying to the chicken pox spots. From left till right, Wei Qi, Mummy and ....






He was saying all day long! hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Wei Xiang was having fever yesterday, but this morning he's ok with no spots on his body. I guess he's the strong one in family

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thank you so much Steph

I actually got this parcel for quite some time, but so many things come up (Qi's food poisoning and her chicken pox and my chicken pox). Thank you so so so much Steph.

First, there's this book for me to read to Qi. I love books and thank you very very much!

Then, there's a float for Xiang & Qi to share. How do you know that I plan to buy one? So ngam! Too bad that we can't go swimming now (I doubt that anyone will let us in the pool).

Third, there's Yee Hup famous biscuits from Ipoh. This is one of my favourite, and Xiang's too!

1 full bite ...


Finished ...

Last, but our most favourite, the spining top!

It really could fly! In the evening, we brought all the kids out in the garden playing with it and even Qi was giggling though she was still weak from her food poisoning then. I was so happy to see her smiling at that time, and really felt that this gift came in time!

Once again, thank you so much Steph. You are really a great friend!

[Qi 1y3m] Progress of the Chicken Pox

Qi is now much better, many of her spots are already healing. I've never seen her scratch herself unless it's hot. But now, feeding her water & medicine is a difficult task. She really dislikes her chicken pox medicine. She immediately makes noise whenever she saw me taking the syringe out. We have no choice but to hold a screaming & crying Qi in 1 person arms and the other forced her mouth opened and pump the medicine down.

Many of her spots are turning into brown dark color, I guess it is a sign that she's healing. When I carried her last night, I do felt that she has lost so many weight, my poor baby .... I hope that she will back to her normal self and eating happily again soon.

Her face ...

Her back ...

The brown drying spot ...

As for myself, this is only Day-2. I think I'm having less spots than Qi as compare to her day-2 but the bubbles are much bigger. The most un-bearable is the itchiness and I couldn't scratch it!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

[Qi 1y3m] - food poisoning progress and gosh, what was that!?

5 June 2009 (Friday)

I've called numerous time to Qi's aunty from work, and I was glad to hear that she didn't vomit anymore. After work, I came to knew that Qi was still having diarrhea on that day, 4 times at 11.30am, 1.30pm, 3pm & 4pm. I was worried and decided to bring her to the clinic again. The paed said that it's normal, important is she has enough intake of water. The diarrhea will most probably last 3~4 days.

I've also noticed that there is 1 or 2 red spot on her stomach and I assumed that was mosqi bite.

6 June 2009 (Saturday)

She woke up very late, and I'm glad that she doesn't show any sign of vomit. Again diarrhea at 10am & 3.30pm. But I guess it's a good sign since 2 times less compare to yesterday. She is still not very active, and lay on the mattress most of the time.

Gosh, what was that on her body!!?? She has so many red spots all over, especially the neck & chest part. In the evening, I saw there's water bubbles on top of the red spot on her arm!!!

Is that chicken pox? OMG! Why now? She still haven't recovered from her food poisoning and now this? We asked mother in law but she said wasn't chicken pox, saying it was too small. Still, we took her to clinic but it was closed today. So we'll bring her there again tomorrow morning.

I felt so so so guilty. It's because we were supposed to bring her for her chicken pox jab last month, but I totally forgotten about it!!! What a mom I am, right?

There's no sign of itchiness, but the red spots kept on coming out especially her scalp and her back. There's even 1 big one on her private part!

Gosh, every time I thought of forgetting about the jab, I felt so bad. I'll key in their jab reminding date in everything I have next time, phone, computer, table calender, at home and at office! Gosh, I still can't believe how come I've forgotten about the jab!?

Dear friends, I don't know much on chicken pox, mind to share with me what are the pre-cautions when having it and what can make it heal faster?

Friday, June 5, 2009

[Qi 1y3m] - first food poisoning experience

On Wednesday night (3rd June 2009), my hubby was working late and we went out for a late dinner at 9pm. Xiang & Qi shared a bowl of mushroom soup with buns. At 10.30pm, Qi was getting cranky and started to cry. She vomited after drinking her milk. I was carrying her at that time and managed to dash to toilet for most of the vomit, I saw lots of dark green leaves which I guess it's her dinner at nanny's house.

Afterwards, she managed to sleep. At 12.30am, I woke up from her soft crying and I saw my hubby already at her bed. I was usually a light-sleeper but I do not know why, I did not woke up earlier (feeling very guilty even until now). Gosh, she vomited again on her crib, with all the milk-stain all over her hair. I only knew then what the milk looks like after being processed in stomach - a flour-like white sticky thing and with an unbearable sour smell!!! We have no choice but bath her in the middle of the night. Afterwards, we let her slept with us and our nightmare came. She kept on vomiting until 3.30am. There is nothing left in her stomach and only yellowish color water came out. We were in dilemma whether to send her to emergency and then she just slept.

6am, she started to cry again and asking for milk. Half-way she was drinking her bottle, she started to vomit again. We tried so hard to take her bottle out from her mouth, but she was still sucking it. My heart felt so painful looking at her, she was so hungry but she kept on vomiting. Then the diarrhea came, 3 times and she passed out dark color leaves also. Everything we gave her, even water will come out from her little mouth. Her used-to-be round tummy was flattened.

On our way to clinic, she was saying "Bi bi ~~~ bi bi ~~~" We gave her everything, but she just shoved it away. Finally I realised she's referring to her water bottle, but again, half way through, she vomited every single drop of water in my car.

The paed asked us to observed her closely as she already has the sign of dehydration. She looked so tired and not energetic at all, and she did not pass urine all these while. If she continue like this, she need to be admitted. I was near to tears hearing this. I do not know which food went wrong, her nanny fish porridge with "choi yun" or the mushroom soup with bun.

We went home with all sorts of medicine and some lactose-free milk. She didn't even want to smile or played and wanted to be carried all the time. When I put her down, she can't even sit and will just lied down on the mattress. She was crying for her "Bi bi~~" (her water bottle - I don't know why she called that) all the time, but I could not gave her much or else she'll vomit out again. I guess she was really hungry and thirsty, even the medicine she walloped in a quick movement.

I was lucky that my second sister was here in KL for vacation, she rushed over to my house to help out. We had a quick lunch and decided to go to hospital. Qi as if knew she were to be dripped, she passed out urine and looks more energetic. So we just continue caring for her at home.

By thursday night, there's no more vomiting and diarrhea. But I still woke up at night to checked on her. I learnt my lessons and woke up on her every single sound, giving her 1 oz of water or 1 oz of lactose-free milk until I went off for work.

Just now (Friday 5th June 2009), I've just checked with her nanny, she's alright at the moment but cranky as well, with slight fever. She's recovering well but I wonder when I could see her rounded tummy again.

What a nightmare for me. Basically all the mattress in my house were wet yesterday and there's so many vomit-stained cloths (mine and Qi). My toilet smelled so horrible with the after-vomit. I was tired currently and even my hubby was feeling dizzy & vomited after the sleepless night. But I told myself I can't be sick as well because Qi needs me. She still needs my full attention tonight and on weekends.