Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 30, 2009

Please vote for me ^_^

I've submitted Xiang's photo (taken while he's playing the Barney & Friends music car) in the EOE My Happy Baby competition. Just for fun, hahahahahaha .....

If you all have time, could you please vote for me?The link is as below:

Voting starts from today until 13 April 2009.

Thank you so much my friends

*muack muack muack muack muack*!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blog break

I'll be taking a short blog break ..... "See" you all on Monday ^_^

Blog break

I'll be taking a short blog break ..... "See" you all on Monday ^_^

叉烧 - 行啦!!!!!

我第一块叉烧失败后, 我又再接再厉得继续奋斗第二块叉烧. 这块叉烧我阉了两天,哈哈哈,因为前天我在JJ诳到人家关门我才回家,倒头就睡,让它住我家冰箱多一天.


好好吃 ~~~~~ 还好吃过在外买的 ~~~~~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!

连我那不吃甜的老公都说好吃! 多谢YOKI的RECIPE,还有LEANN的耐心教导 ... MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS! 我爱你们!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tag: The Name Game

Oh no, both Maggie & Priscilla tag me!!! This tag is really difficult for me, I had to cheat and looked up the dictionary ^_^

1. Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 20 (if you have 20 in your list).
2. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Have fun scratching your head...

1. What is your name? Ai Peng
2. A four letter word:
3. A boy's name:
4. A girl's name:
5. An occupation: ALONG (consider as occupation or not?)

6. A colour: Apple Green
7. Something you wear: Apron

8. A food: Asam Laksa
9. Something found in the bathroom: Avent Cleansing Gel (I use this brand)
10. A place: Atlantic
11. A reason for being late: Airplane broke down, flight was delayed

12. Something you shout: Aiyoh …
13. A movie title: Alien

14. Something you drink: Avocado Juice
15. A musical group:
16. A street name: Alor Street (Jalan Alor, near
Bukit Bintang)
17. A type of car: Antique Car (can ah?)
18. A song title: ABC Alphabet Song (hahahahaha, my son’s song!)
19. A verb: Attack

I'm not going to tag anyone since I think most of my Multiply frens here already been tag. But if you are not tagged and you want to do this, welcome to grab it!



终于做了叉烧. 哈哈哈,竟然失败了 ~~~~

我这个徒弟真的好难教 …..


1. 肉切太厚了

2. 酱油放太多了

3. 糖放太少了



妈妈还很给面子的说:” 这个LOBAK好吃啊!”

人家不是弄LOBAK , 这个是叉烧!!!”







当当当当!!!!! 好啦!!!


可是我很喜欢哦, 好好吃!

我想这也会合我家人口胃. 可惜爸妈去了姐姐家,打了个电话和爸喊话:“下次我做甜辣虾让你尝尝!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tag: Pic #6 of Folder #6

Thank you Priscilla for giving me this tag.

1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog tellin’ them ’bout it.

Now my picture is ......

I went to Genting with my good old buddies (7 of us, 1 is taking the camera) very long time ago, around 2002 I think. We were playing at outdoor theme park and suddenly it rained very heavily. We were wet & cold, but we had fun in the rain too. That were really good old time with friends ...

and now I want to tag ~~~

1. Amber

2. Tyng tyng

3. AiCheng

4. Jesyln

5. Shirley

6. Sandy Goh

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Which internet service provider is ok?

We have just terminated our Streamyx! It was really bad in my area. Even though we signed up for unlimited online time, but every day, we only get 2~3 hours of online time. We called them but they do not know what's wrong also. Then for last week, we couldn't go online and we thought our modem broke down. Only yesterday we found out that they shut down the service without informing us, they told us they are upgrading their system!

Now I wanted to go for those broadband service which we could bring everywhere we went. So even when I went back hometown, I'll still can access to the internet. So I want to ask which internet service provider you all are using and is it good?



早上10点开车,到马六甲婆家都12pm.给孩子们吃饱后,也喂饱了自己.2pm才依依不舍得和淇道别. 淇在门口一直喊,看得我好不舍.5pm过新加坡关口办手续,老公的车牌有个R的字母掉了个尾巴(P),结果关卡的人要我老公拿liquid paper涂上才给我们过关....哈哈哈哈哈

第一次驾车进新加坡,真的还战战兢兢.还特地避翔坐在bbchair,还好还乖乖坐.原本照着google maps下载的图可以顺利到达,可是老公call他在那里做工的朋友Y问方向,更加惨,迷路了!结果转回头再跟着MAPS, 顺利到达我们的Swiss Hotel. 很不错哦!

让翔洗个快澡,又赶着去Vivo City 找我的2位老朋友了.她们都很热情的招待我们,还请了我们一餐好的哪! 吃象拔蚌,我第一次吃,很鲜很好吃.翔吃了半碗饭后就没耐心了,跑来跑去,还帮忙把掉在地上的饭粒一颗颗捡起来,放在桌上@_@

匆匆忙忙的和老朋友道别,就去了night safari. 翔很累了,一直吵要pillow和嘴嘴! 可是那animal show 还是很精彩,主持也很风趣! 他们还把一条大莽蛇藏在观众椅子下!!! 过后就乘车参观动物了,让翔看真真的动物,好多都还很active,是有些还睡在路旁呢.很凉爽,也没蚊虫.不过车开得有点快,灯光不够,所以有些都看不清楚.

回到房,翔反而精神焕发.把我们的鞋子全排整齐,4盏房灯开了又关, 关了又开.我也没空理他,收好行李后,关灯踢他上床睡觉!

08/03/2009 ,非常非常热

我一早就起床了, 房间窗外的风景很不错喔.翔睡迟了,我叫老公赶快call他朋友Y说我们会迟半个小时.翔醒来,准备他时又拉拉扯扯了一段时间,帮他冲凉,他忙着帮玩具小鸭冲. 我们到Vivo City 都快10am, 还不见Y的踪影.他竟迟了1个小时才到,气到我~~~~~~ 排队搭缆车进Sentosa Island 都快中午了, 浪费了好多时间力气.

去了Underwater World, 普通吧了.我们KL的水族馆比这更好看.一进去有个池可让人摸鱼.翔摸到又geli又开心.还不小心把脚伸进去,弄湿了鞋袜.真是的….唯有让他裸着个脚,坐在Stroller.还没看到完,翔就睡了.一走出Underwater World,又热到没精打采,我不想玩,找了间Subway坐下来休息,等翔起身.过后去看了Pink Dolphin表演,那太阳太猛了,搞得我头痛得要命. 还好的是翔看得一直拍手,还算值得咯.还有一场7.30pm Songs of Sea音乐喷泉也没力气看了.要回hotel也有一段小插曲,Y把翔的 (我网上买的,非常非常喜欢的一对)遗漏在BUS.又气到我没声出!还好后来找回来.

回hotel休息洗澡, 9pm才去吃晚餐.hotel是连接Raffles City 购物广场.到那边的鼎泰峰吃了简单的炒饭,排骨面和小龙包,非常好吃.翔吃了一大碗的炒饭呢!


今天要回了,感觉上好想没玩够,也根本没时间去shopping. Raffles City卖的都好贵好名牌,不适合我. 还好有间MPH,里头竟然有我要找以久的croyola画笔,买了整新币百多块,可是给孩子的东西,我觉得好值的!!!

这次之行让我学乖了,改次再来肯定来久些,也别驾车进去,PARKING FEE 实在太贵了 – SGD 60!!! 要等到大减价时才去,才可以买到更好的东西.也要有一天shopping的时间,呵呵呵呵呵

Thursday, March 5, 2009




淇从她站立起来以有一段日子了.她终于在这天走出小小的一步!她笑得好开心,我们也开心死了!!!!! 虽然才小小的两步,可是感觉上她大了许多.

她呀,比较懂得撒娇了,也开始说几个简单的字. 通常是:

哇~~~ (看到美美的东西)

爸爸 (呜呜呜, 还不会叫妈咪)

DUCK (哈,这很会说,一教就会!)

MOMO (猜猜是什么???)

GEGEGE (做在我肚子上骑马!)