Today is the first day Xiang's attended Susu dan Madu Kindergarten...
At home, preparing to go to kindy. Luckily he let me wore his name tag.
He did not cry and did ok there. There's no teaching today and teachers are just trying to get to know the kids. There are 2 classes for age 3. Each class 11 students with 1 teacher & 1 helper.
Snack time! Xiang loves bread and ate a lot. Think it's because all the kids were eating and he felt more tasty 

Singing time! Twinkle twinkle little star, Marry had a little lamb & Old McDonald. Xiang don't know how to sing all these. He only can remembered 小蜜蜂.

Xiang:" 嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... " looking at the teacher (who is an Indian and I don't think she knows Chinese songs!), hoping she'll sing his song.
Teacher didn't notice him and continue with "Marry had a little lamb "
Xiang:" Auntie ... 嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... " *Faint, he called his teacher auntie*
Teacher looked at him but guess that couldn't understand what he wanted. She continued singing with Old McDonald.
Xiang: "嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... 大家一起来做工...." He's so frustrated that decided that he sang on his own!
When he completed his song, he look at the teach again :"auntie, yeah ...." clapping hands. *faint, auntie again. some more wanted the teacher to clap hands*
Well, anyway, that's 1st day at kindy. I'll try my best to teach him tonight the word "TEACHER"!!!