Counting to her 2nd Birthday!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Counting to his 3rd Birthday!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 23, 2009

赶赶赶! 回家咯 ...

好赶啊,我虽然昨晚开始收拾,可是好象还有好多没拿.我现在放工要赶回家, 然后去保母家载两位少爷小姐.接着又要开工了 - 收拾行李. 等下可要记得拿小孩的药(以防万一),尿片,奶粉,奶瓶,奶嘴,枕头,新衣鞋,沐浴用品,淇的玩具,翔的dvd,我的相机,daddy的laptop, ... 还有什么呢 ... 啧啧啧,想不到了!回家才看吧 ...


心想事成 牛轉乾坤 身體健康 豬籠入水 不勞而獲 財色兼收 坐享其成 人馬精神 橫財就手 笑口常開 閤家平安 新年快樂!!!

转摘: 婚姻也會中風































Monday, January 19, 2009

Give way, teeth are coming ~~

Oh no no no, it’s not Qi first tooth. I haven’t started my little blog that time. Lately I did notice that Qi saliva is flowing a lot! Then this week, I saw her gum was showing white. I counted and there’s a total of 4 teeth coming out, at the same time! 2 at the bottom and 2 on top. I tried to take a picture but she wouldn't keep still and finally I gave up

Qi had no fail to show us her love for food every time. My best guess is that she’s telling us not soon after this, she’s very ready for wider variety of food!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

团圆饭 -娘家?夫家?

昨天煮晚饭时,老公突然问我是否要在娘家吃团圆饭 …


我:"是咯 …我老朋友们也在年初2约见."

老公:"酱哦…那我们先回你家,年初3才回我家吧 …" (p/s:我家在ipoh,他家在melaka.)


老公:"是咯 …"

我还很cool的说:"好,也是可以…" 好好好!!! 其实心里高兴的要命!


老公:"是ho … 那我先问问看,如果OK你才和家人说..."



团圆饭 -娘家?夫家?

昨天煮晚饭时,老公突然问我是否要在娘家吃团圆饭 …


我:"是咯 …我老朋友们也在年初2约见."

老公:"酱哦…那我们先回你家,年初3才回我家吧 …" (p/s:我家在ipoh,他家在melaka.)


老公:"是咯 …"

我还很cool的说:"好,也是可以…" 好好好!!! 其实心里高兴的要命!


老公:"是ho … 那我先问问看,如果OK你才和家人说..."



Saturday, January 10, 2009


I just want to post this to show Qi next time … hehe, I do hope she doesn’t mind me posting her naked photos on internet! She enjoys her bath a lot. Keep on patting the ground and water, smiling and laughing through out the bath.

*keep still, Qi!*

*all done! ummm ... 香喷喷!*

Cute scarf

Qi really looks like a boy meh? Usually people will ask me whether I have 2 boys …

Poor Qi, mummy will try hard to make you look girly, ok?

I’m still keeping her hair long, hopefully with long hair, she’ll look more girly. Then today I wore her a scarf. Initially she kept on pulling it off. Then I used other hair bands to let her play with to distract her. She let the scarf on finally! Nice!!!

Cane … 藤条

Cane … 藤条

Finally I bought it! Xiang is extremely naughty this few days. I do hope that with this magical thing, it can discipline him a bit. Oh no, I do not have to intention of hitting him with the cane, I just used it for scaring him only.

The first trial was very successful. As usual, he was asking to go out in the late evening and the sky was almost dark (actually we just came back home that time!). He rode his tricycle and kept on banging the door. I scolded him … no use. Then I took out the cane and hit a few times on the wall. He backed off!!! *yeah yeah, mummy wom!*

I should have really bought it long time ago, save me all the energy and he didn’t even cry!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Xiang's 1st day to kindergarten

Today is the first day Xiang's attended Susu dan Madu Kindergarten...

At home, preparing to go to kindy. Luckily he let me wore his name tag.

He did not cry and did ok there. There's no teaching today and teachers are just trying to get to know the kids. There are 2 classes for age 3. Each class 11 students with 1 teacher & 1 helper.

Snack time! Xiang loves bread and ate a lot. Think it's because all the kids were eating and he felt more tasty

Singing time! Twinkle twinkle little star, Marry had a little lamb & Old McDonald. Xiang don't know how to sing all these. He only can remembered 小蜜蜂.

Xiang:" 嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... " looking at the teacher (who is an Indian and I don't think she knows Chinese songs!), hoping she'll sing his song.

Teacher didn't notice him and continue with "Marry had a little lamb "

Xiang:" Auntie ... 嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... " *Faint, he called his teacher auntie*

Teacher looked at him but guess that couldn't understand what he wanted. She continued singing with Old McDonald.

Xiang: "嗡 嗡 嗡... 嗡 嗡 嗡... 大家一起来做工...." He's so frustrated that decided that he sang on his own!

When he completed his song, he look at the teach again :"auntie, yeah ...." clapping hands. *faint, auntie again. some more wanted the teacher to clap hands*

Well, anyway, that's 1st day at kindy. I'll try my best to teach him tonight the word "TEACHER"!!!

Bye-bye Fever!!!

Yesterday was the first day Xiang has a fever-free day! I am sooooo happy!!!

Since he has red spots all over his body & face, I bought him to the doctor again just now. The doctor said it's ok and called as 出假麻. (You are right, Leann!). He shouldn't have any fever after this woh...

I'm really relief and I guess there's nothing better as compared to seeing him healthy again!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fever - 6th day

Today is the 6th day. Xiang had fever at 6am again but it was much better compared to previous nights, measured at 28.3 DegC. Previous nights, he had fever >39.5 DegC which I had to wake him up, stuffed medicine in his buttock and wiped his body.

He's usually ok through out the day, with no signs of fever, but I still consistently give him the fever medicine. When it comes to night time, (sometimes 12am or 2 am), he'll start to have cold hands & feet. Not long after that, he'll had high fever. Usually took 2 hours before the fever goes away.

I was worried yesterday evening as his body has red spots all over. Rushed to the specialist and he said it's most probably due to allergy of medicine. Anyway, did a blood test yesterday and the result was ok. The dr said his fever is due to his throat infection.

I did not dare to look when the dr. took his blood as he inserted a long needle on top of his hand. It took around 7 ~ 8 minutes to took enough blood for the test! He was crying of course, but stop for awhile when I gave him Ribena jelly sweets.

I've started work today (can't afford to take anymore leaves). He is supposed to attend his first day in kindergarten tomorrow. I'm not sure whether I should let him go. He's usually OK in the morning. Guess I'll see whether he'll have fever again tonight lor.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fever 39.6 DegC

Qi doesn't woke up at night for milk anymore since she's 2 months old. However, she woke up yesterday midnight (yes, exactly 12am) screaming on top of her lung. She woke me up and quiet down after giving her milk.

Then I went & check on Xiang. To my horror, his temperature measured at 39.6 DegC! My hubby & I immediately drove him off to hospital. The staff nurse immediately wipe his whole body & head with water+alcohol to cool him down. Then stuffed a medicine at his buttock and of course he was crying all the time. Finally his temperature brought down to normal.

We requested the blood test to be done since he has been having on & off fever for 4 days now and to our relief, it is OK.

When back at home at around 2.30am, I looked at Qi (who was sleeping soundly) and wondered what would happen if Qi didn't woke me up. I'm not sure what kind of magic that is but for the whole day, I keep on telling Xiang that Qi loves him very much and he must take care and loves Qi no matter what happen in future.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Just to wish my dear friends happy new year 2009!

I know it’s a bit late, but I only have chance to access to internet today!

Sudden high fever

Yesterday, Wednesday 31st Dec 09, Xiang had sudden high fever in the morning. The temperature suddenly shoots up to 39 DegC in less than 1 hour. The doctor did bring down the temperature again, but around 6pm, he had high fever again. The fever came down finally, but around 2am this morning, he had high fever again.

We already packed his things to ready to go to hospital. Luckily, that was the last time he had fever. I’m still monitoring him closely and really hope it will be OK.

Bad Vacation!!!

This is the most tiring & not-fun China Shanghai trip I’ve been too. No, no … not because of my kids are not around, in fact, I’m glad that we’ve made the right decision not to bring Xiang!

I felt all the sightseeing places are very “artificial”, many of them are man-made and they took us to a lot of museums (boring!!!). If you ask me, I can’t recall any special places which I fond of. I guess we have made the wrong choice of destination. We should have chosen another season and other more natural places.

I’ve never experience winter season. It was awful. Our whole family members have dried skins & itchiness all over. 5 minutes down from the bus and I wished to go up again. It hasn’t snowed yet but it was quite windy. So many of us got sick – headache, sore throat, cough, flu, fever!

The worst thing about China trip is the shopping. Well, if you have loads of cash, you may enjoy buying jades, pearls, tea, tea pots, silk, Chinese herbs and etc etc etc … The local tour guide will sure to bring you to 1 of these shops EVERY day! My family didn’t buy lot’s of stuff – as the local tour guide comment (but we already spent almost RM 5 thousand for 9 of us), what we received are unfair treatment (as apposed to others members who bought lots of stuff) and black face! One of them even said that they need to achieve targets la; we no give face la, bla, bla ….

Will upload this trip photos in the album later lor …